Phone: +51 999 901916




The experience begins very early in the morning before breakfast when we pick you up from your hotel in Cusco, then transportation to Cusipata about 2 hours to take another road for about 1 hour , we stop for breakfast in one of the local restaurant , after this we start the walk about 1 hour and 30 minutes with the guide, once we arrive to the rainbow mountain we have time for pictures, to enjoy the view of red mountain, the Ausangate snow. The guide will give an explanation about the colors of the rainbow mountain ( differents types of minerals ). Return by same way to take the transportation for comming back to Cusco , on the way we stop in Cusipata for having lunch. We are back in Cusco about 16:00 pm.



Ausangate is the fifth highest mountain in Perú ( 6384 meters above sea level ) , during centuries it has had names like : “the roof of the inca capital” , “ vinincunca”(rainbow mountain),etc. Guardian of Cusco región , located in Pitumarca district , canchis province , cusco región ,in the south of peru. Ausangate is considered the most important mountain of the andean worldview.